Wednesday, April 18, 2012

Tuesdday April 17 - Day 3

Day 3 - we started out with Chuck & Gail to a little town called Oatman AZ. Greg & I weren’t too sure what this little town was all about - but it was so neat. There were burros running free all through the town and cute little shops. If you had ANY kind of food for the burros they were all over you. They say the burros were from the miners - when they left the town they left the burros too. We saw one burro going after a lady biting her purse (she also had a bag of carrots) They weren’t shy in the least. We had a nice little lunch there and then headed to Hoover Dam. We did the walk over the new bridge that looks down over the dam. Then headed back to our little home and to the puppies that were ready for a walk!!! Tomorrow we head out for Williams and then on to the Grand Canyon

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