Thursday, April 26, 2012

Texas - Day 11 & 12





Last time I checked in we were in AZ in the caves. Well, we are in the great state of Texas now. Last night we stayed in a state park - South Llana River State Park. This was a wonderful place to see birds. OH MY did I have fun bird watching. Gail & I went out this morning to a bird blind to do a little bird watching before we headed out. We got lucky & there was a man there that was a bird expert. You would not beleave the birds we saw. I could have stayed there for days. But, we needed to move on to San Antonio area. On the way to our next stop we took a little side trip to Ingram to see Stonehenge. It is 60% as tall as the original & 90% of the circumference as the one in England. It was something to see out in the middle of the Texas country side. Tonight we are staying outside of the little town of Boerne (it’s pronounced BER-nee) I know it’s crazy-I have a hard time remembering how to pronounce it. Glad I don’t live here. After we settled into our new camp site we headed out to the German town of Fredericksburg. Cute place. We went window shopping and then did a little wine tasting Texas style. It was good but not as good as our stuff. But the place of the day was Lukenbach. No Waylon or Willie there - but there were a lot of good ol boys. We went into the little bar/post office & had a beer(Bud Light - that’s for you Rooster). We are lucky the wild flowers are still blooming all along the road side. Gail & I got the guys to stop so we could get a few pictures of some. I just had to put some on the blog. Tomorrow we head out for San Antonio to do the river walk and to check out the Alamo.

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