Saturday, April 21, 2012

Albuquerque, New Mexico


A good ending to a fun day! ! !

Headed out from Williams this morning with Albuquerque N.M. in our sites for tonight. Arrived around lunch time in Albuquerque. After hooking up & a quick bite of lunch the 4 of us headed out to explore Old Town Albuquerque. We hit it lucky ~ there was a Founders Days celebrations going on. Music , dancing, shows & lots of pretties for sale all through the streets. Gail & I had lots of fun looking at the jewelry for sale. There was a lot of pretty stuff BUT we were good and didn’t buy any. We got to see some really cool dancing. Strolled through the streets and headed back to the RV’s and had another gourmet meal. Tomorrow we are going up to Santa Fe to do more exploring.

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