Monday, April 30, 2012

Austin TX to Breaux Bridge LA


The Capitol in Austin


Lake Charles

Sorry - Not too many photos - more tomorrow.

Ok - today is day 16 of our trek. From Boerne TX we traveled to Bastrop TX (day 14) by way of Austin. We toured the capitol - this was a very pretty place & the grounds around it were quite picturesque. But before we saw the capitol we had to check out the mother of all Whole Foods - very 1st Whole Foods (aka whole check) just kidding. This Whole Foods was the largest I have ever seen. It was something to see. I have never seen so many places to eat in a grocery store or so many different types of food to choose from. Gail said there was a creek/water? running through it. We didn’t get to see that. After our outing in Whole Foods we saw the capitol. There was a rally going on there for women’s rights. We didn’t stick around for that - I don’t think they would have wanted to talk with me. Speaking of talking to me - remember when we were in San Antonio at the big parade & the reporter wanted to interview us for the paper - well we made the paper - all 2 or 3 lines. But they did get our names & addresses right. Moving on - we spent the night in Bastrop TX at the Colorado River RV Park/nice place. Yesterday we stopped in Sulphur LA. We took a trip into Lake Charles & drove around. We needed to pick up a few things at the grocery store - so we found the nearest one AND there just happened to be a Goodwill Store next door. Gail & I sent the guys food shopping & we HAD to check out the Goodwill. We did manage to fine a treasure or 2. The guys were good sports. While at the store we had the guys get some of the local specialty - “Boudin Sausage” It was really good. It’s a mixture of meat & rice. Tonight we are in Breaux Bridge LA. This RV park is really neat. We are sitting on the bank of 1 of several lakes in this park. Everything is so green (humidity is rather high) We will probably be here for 2 nights. After we got settled in this afternoo we all took a ride around Breaux Bridge & Lafayette. Tonight we are going to hit one of the hot spots in town for some good Cajun food & live Cajun music -will let you know how it is. Tomorrow we will be taking a boat tour of the swamp. Check back tomorrow for the report on this adventure. They told us the alligators don’t eat people here the people eat them. I sure hope so. Pictures to follow.

Friday, April 27, 2012

San Antonio TX

this is for Rosanne



A beautiful evening - a great end to a wonderful day!

Today was San Antonio day. Boy did we hit it lucky all the way around. First - there is a HUGE festival going on all week in town. It’s the “Festival San Antonio” . It has to do with remembering the battle at the Alamo. Second - there was easy over 300,000 people in town & us not really knowing where we are going ended up at a parking garage right down town & easy in & out. Then the weather - it was perfect, not too hot & a nice breeze. We started out at the river walk - took a boat & checked out the river. This was a great way to get a look at the city. It was a beautiful ride. Lunch was the next order of business. We had a great lunch in a Mexican restaurant right on the river. Then on to “The Battle of Flowers Parade.” We were standing on the street watching the parade when a young lady approached us and started asking us questions about our visit to San Antonio. - she was a reported for the local paper. Tomorrow we just may see our names in print in the San Antonio news paper. We were told this parade is the only one in the United States that is put on by all women and it is probably the second largest just second to the Tournament of Roses Parade. It was truly something to see. We then went and checked out the Alamo. It was very moving to see all the floats stop in front of the Alamo Chapel and leave flowers in remembrance of all those who fought at the Alamo. You will see a picture of this. After a day checking out this cool city we headed back to our camp site and did a little chillaxing before heading up to Austin tomorrow.

Thursday, April 26, 2012

Texas - Day 11 & 12





Last time I checked in we were in AZ in the caves. Well, we are in the great state of Texas now. Last night we stayed in a state park - South Llana River State Park. This was a wonderful place to see birds. OH MY did I have fun bird watching. Gail & I went out this morning to a bird blind to do a little bird watching before we headed out. We got lucky & there was a man there that was a bird expert. You would not beleave the birds we saw. I could have stayed there for days. But, we needed to move on to San Antonio area. On the way to our next stop we took a little side trip to Ingram to see Stonehenge. It is 60% as tall as the original & 90% of the circumference as the one in England. It was something to see out in the middle of the Texas country side. Tonight we are staying outside of the little town of Boerne (it’s pronounced BER-nee) I know it’s crazy-I have a hard time remembering how to pronounce it. Glad I don’t live here. After we settled into our new camp site we headed out to the German town of Fredericksburg. Cute place. We went window shopping and then did a little wine tasting Texas style. It was good but not as good as our stuff. But the place of the day was Lukenbach. No Waylon or Willie there - but there were a lot of good ol boys. We went into the little bar/post office & had a beer(Bud Light - that’s for you Rooster). We are lucky the wild flowers are still blooming all along the road side. Gail & I got the guys to stop so we could get a few pictures of some. I just had to put some on the blog. Tomorrow we head out for San Antonio to do the river walk and to check out the Alamo.

Tuesday, April 24, 2012

Carlsbad Caverns


Here are just 2 of the many flowers we saw today

Carlsbad Caverns was the 1st order of the day. OH MY what a place. I am the one who doesn’t do caves and the like - so I was just a little apprehensive going. For the most part it was fine. Just a few times did I get a little nerves. We went on 2 tours - the 1st with a ranger guide and the other was on our own. The caverns were unbelievable. They were once described - more grander than any thing King Solomon ever had. One of the caves is called “The Kings Palace” Needless to say I took a few pictures. I’ll tell you now, they don’t do the place justice. The internet is Very slow so not as many pictures as I would like to share with you.  We start out for Texas tomorrow. I think we will be staying in a state park in/near Junction.

Monday, April 23, 2012

Roswell & Carlsbad, New Mexico

On the road again.  It was a very pretty drive most of the way to Carlsbad.  More than brown grass & cactus along side of the road.  There was a little green grass & trees.

.    This was the only UFO we saw.
It was in front of a motel.     
Look close  

    Needless to say UFOs are big here.

We made it through Roswell without any problems - didn't see any UFOs except the one in front of one of a motel.  I don't think that counts.  Tonight we are in a very nice RV park out side of Carlsbad.  Lots of really interesting birds in the park.  Chuck & I are trying to identify them.  Diane, you just might not be liking it as much as I am.  You all know how I like birds.  No picture of them YET.
  Tomorrow we will be checking out the caves.  I'm not too sure how I will do in the caves.  I'm not a big fan of caves, tunnels or anything like that.  But I'll put on my big girl undies and do it!!  (I couldn't do the arch in St Louis)
  The weather is wonderful.  We sat outside and had great dinner tonight. It's so nice when we combine food to make one of those gourmet meals.  The internet is very slow tonight (could aliens be responsible?) so not too many pictures.  Cave info & pictures tomorrow - if I make it.  *;*

Sunday, April 22, 2012

Santa Fe

Madrid New Mexico

 This is the church
Loretto Academy
Our Lady of Light

This stairway is         unreal

down town area of Old Sante Fe

 City Plaza in Old Santa Fe

Today we started out for Santa Fe. We decided to take the back road to Santa Fe and boy are we glad we did (at least Gail & I am). We came across a little town on the way - Madrid - it’s pronounced Mad-rid we were informed. Cute place - it was almost like stepping back to the mid 60’s. There were a lot of old hippy type people hanging out. The hot spot was the coffee shop & we just had to have a cup of coffee and check it out. Gail found a great store in town - it was a THRIFT STORE. We had to get our shopping fix. Really fun stuff in it. Greg even found something he HAD to have. After we got our fill of the cool little artsy town we moved on down the road. And lo & behold there was a yard sale and we had to stop. Gail & I managed to find a couple of treasures we had to have. Chuck & Greg were glad the stuff wasn’t too big to stash in the motor homes. OK, so we are back on the road to Santa Fe. Another fun town.
Our first stop in Santa Fe was  the chapel called Loretto Academy of Our Lady of Light. This is the church that has the stairway that has 33 steps & 2 complete turns of 360* without a center support. The story of this stairway is very interesting. Too much to include here. If you don’t know about this place check it out. We then strolled through the Old Town Square. Lots of shops. We had lunch and headed back “home”. BUT on the way back we came across a yard sale & we Had to stop. More treasures found, at least Gail & I thought so. Back home - regrouped - had dinner & planned our next leg of this adventure. Tomorrow we head towards alien land. Pray we don’t get beamed up.