Thursday, June 14, 2012

Badlands SD to Cody WY

cute train in Hill City

Mt. Rushmore is breath taking

these were taken NOT with the zoom on

These are 2 of the tunnels we went through in Custer St Park

eye of the needle

Crazy Horse was beyond words!!

the "road" to Cody almost 4 wheeling
OH SO much fun in our RV

out side of Cody
 Until Yellowstone - - - good night
HAD  to get a new wind toy  the wind has been so strong
I had to put it away.

Internet is “not too good” so quick verbiage with pictures. This area is another place that is beyond words. We had a wonderful camp site out of Custer. Seeing Mt Rushmore & Crazy Horse - beyond words - took the nature drive in Custer St Park - we got to see buffalo right off the side of the road - deer, burrows, prairie dogs & the like. The drive from Custer around the nature drive back to Hill City is unbelievable. Tunnels that looked too small for our little car to go through. The ride from Black Hills into Cody WY was interesting. Went over passes that were over 9500 feet. What goes up MUST come down - and that we did - and on a road that was under construction. Greg is one good driver. I know he was glad to pull into Cody & STOP for the day. Tomorrow we head into Yellowstone for 2 days. That will be for the next blog.

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