Sunday, May 20, 2012

Vienna to Atlanta GA part 1

Diane Couch's KOA in Vienna GA

this is one of our fav places - Diane's back porch-

Now the party starts - Chuck & Gail join Diane, Greg & me
on the SRS porch (sit-rock-sip)


Dinner at Laura & Joel's

The well at Andersonville Prison - it is said the water started to flow
after a bolt of lightning hit the ground

just some of the graves at Andersonville

Therapy Pools at Warm Springs

This is Anne Hudson - Pres. Roosevelt's therapist


Anne is the 2nd on the left. 

The Little White House
Warm Springs GA

this is the bed where Pres Roosevelt died

this is the portrait he was sitting for when he died
it was never finished

Dinner on the river at Pats Fish Camp

We left Brunswick for Vienna on Monday - 5/14. Chuck & Gail headed to Savannah for some time alone to celebrate their wedding anniversary.
Greg & I pulled into Vienna & parked in the yard behind Diane’s house. I know we started much talk in town - new KOA campground in Vienna-. We did some house keeping and visiting with my family on Tuesday. On Wednesday Chuck & Gail joined us at the new KOA campground. That evening we all went to my niece Laura’s for dinner.
On Thursday we went to Andersonville - one of the largest Confederate military prison during the Civil War & now a national POW memorial. What a place - this is probably one of the most moving places I have ever seen.
After Andersonville we went to The Little White House in Warm Springs - this was where Roosevelt went to try to recover from polio. While we were touring the therapy pools we were lucky enough to meet a lady who was one of the physical therapist that worked with Pres Roosevelt there. She is 103 & very sharp. Boy, did she have a great since of humor. She said her only claim to fame was “she stretch Pres. Roosevelt’s hamstring”. This was a great memory making moment on our trip.
The boys took off by themselves on Friday for Warner Robins Air Force Base to check out the museum while the girls did a little retail therapy (we needed it-don’t want go into withdrawal). That night for dinner we all went to a place on the river for dinner - Pats Fish Camp- it truly is a fish camp.
Saturday was a sad day - had to leave my sisters. We made our way to McDonough - just south of Atlanta - checked out the area & not too much to see. Today we checked out Stone Mountain - the capitol in Atlanta & had a nice but short visit with my niece & nephew who live in Marietta. Tomorrow we are going to my brothers. We will be there until Friday when we start our trek northward.  There will be a part 2 to this post - can't get all the pictures on this post.

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