Thursday, May 3, 2012

Around Mobile Bay

Our Little Hitchhiker 

We survived the night of thunder & lightning. It rained all night & stopped around 5 AM. It turned out to be a nice day today. The 1st stop today was Weeks Bay Estuarine Research Reserve. This is a cool research center. They showed us a lot of the animals & sea creatures that live in & around the estuary . They had a live baby gator there & several types of snakes (I don’t think the snakes were a big hit with Gail). We then took a walk out to the point where the Magnolia River meets Mobile Bay. The lady in the information center warned us about the yellow flies being very bad yesterday thank goodness there were no flies to be found today. Considering how much I   love  bugs this was a really good thing. We left there & headed to Point Clear. This is a cool town on Mobile Bay. Very pretty houses & outrageous Hotel (Grand Hotel). An upscale place to say the least. On up the coast we came to Fairhope. This was another cute town. Checked out the cute shops. Flowers all throughout the town. After Gail & I drug the guys through town - just kidding- they have been great sports with our window shopping- we needed to grab a bite to eat. Grab being the operative word - we went to Lambert’s Café. For those who have not heard of this place they throw the rolls to you. It has good old fashion southern food & LOTS of it. The rolls are about the size of 2 fist put together. We then rolled ourselves out to the car. We didn’t eat much tonight. On the way home Gail & I needed just a little more retail therapy - it was good exercise -we had to walk off some of our lunch. On our way back to our little homes away from home it started to rain just a little. As Greg was driving down the road we see there is a frog on the windshield. Was this the start of some plague - no - just a little frog taking a ride. The sad part is he jumped off in the middle of the road while we were going 45 mph or more. By -By frog. Tonight we just relaxed & planned tomorrows adventure. Except for Chuck cleaning the tires on our RV (Greg did the other side). It’s a guy thing.

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